Traffic Safety Product Testing

Not all products on the market are created equally nor are they tested equally, and some are never tested at all!  This makes comparisons on performance and expected life cycle difficult.

There are several test protocols widely used for Traffic-related products. These are simply testing matrices – they are not approvals, pass/fail or any other form of accreditation.  It is up to the road authority considering the product being tested to set minimum pass-fail criteria and issue letters of acceptance or approval. 

Pexco has consistently raised the bar for product performance through rigorous, ongoing testing and development over the years:

  • First with the FG 300 Post series in the early 2000s – starting with 100 impacts at 55 mph/100 kph
  • Followed by testing for the City Post family of products beginning in 2013 – to 200 impacts at 70 mph/112 kph

Traffic Testing Protocols

There are several test protocols in use for Traffic related products which are simply testing matrices. They are not approvals, pass/fail or any other form of certification.  It is up to the agency deploying the product tested to set minimum pass-fail criteria and issue letters of acceptance or approval. 

National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)

A joint testing protocol shared amongst all 50 states. Each state agency establishes its criteria on how to use data generated by NTPEP testing.

Roadside Delineator Posts/Channelizer/Bollard Testing

Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) 2016

An update to NCHRP ‘350 put forth by AASHTO to address the increase in light trucks on the roadways.

FG 300 Curb Systems and T3B Barricade systems are tested to MASH-2016.

ASTM (Formerly known as the American Society for Testing Materials)

The most widely used ASTM test in our industry is D4956 Standard Specification for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control. The sheeting manufacturers must test to this standard to determine the Type or Grade of tape. This is a minimum requirement.

Traffic Product State Transportation Agency Approvals

Select your state to view transportation agency approved Pexco products

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