Here’s a video summary of how to quickly, and easily, use our vinyl coverings to update existing equipment at a low cost. How to Refurbish Bunker Rakes:
- Cut a length of vinyl 3″ longer than the rake handle, to allow for longitudinal shrinkage.
- If you wish to replace the grip (new grips are available from VinylGuard) do so first, before applying VinylGuard.
- To ensure long-term, non-slip adherence, spray the bottom of the rake handle next to the rake head and lightly spray the shaft with 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive – available from VinylGuard. QUICKLY slide the vinyl over the shaft. Let the excess material overlap the receptacle of the rake head and overlap the grip during shrinking.
- Begin shrinking at the bottom of the handle: Push the material downward, pressing the vinyl over the rake head receptacle, until it shrinks and tightly conforms. Then shrink your way up the shaft.
- Let the VinylGuard and rake handle completely cool for at least an hour. Trim and remove the excess material covering the rake head receptacle and the grip.