Barricade Products

Type I, II and III Barricades

Pexco manufactures three different types of plastic barricades for use in urban work zones, highway construction, and public events.


Type III Barricades – MASH Compliant

Our T3B™ Barricade Products are durable and lightweight; an entire assembly for an 8-foot Type III barricade weighs only 22 pounds!


Temporary Pedestrian Access Route (TPAR) Barricade

Pexco’s TPAR Type II Barricade is an ADA, MUTCD, NCHRP 350, FULLY MASH 16 approved and compliant temporary traffic control device. It provides safe continuous guidance for pedestrians through urban work zones. Components are lightweight, quick to assemble and easy to store and transport.


O-Frame Barricade

You have never seen anything quite like our O-Frame Barricade! It functions like a traditional A-Frame plastic barricade but it is more versatile. Perfect for public events, it features exceptional strength and a unique feature for branding.

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